Wear Chelsea Boots to Work This Summer

A perennial favorite that knows how to handle the warmer months.

Ah, summer. The most uplifting time of the year. Cold weather is well in the rearview mirror, and plants have fully blossomed and returned to form. Be like the plants. Find your monochrome palettes, oh so good for colder months, in the past. Keep them there. Look ahead to several months of color as you expand your wardrobe’s potential with vibrant pieces. We’re here to facilitate this transition using the Duke, our Chelsea boot, as a base for summertime styles.

Time for Tweed

Layering is the name of the game, no matter what time of the year it is. Offices tend to be a bit too chilly for T-shirts, and sportcoats are a great alternative to sweaters. We love tweed sport coats this time of year because they’re light-colored, and have the versatility to be dressed up or down.

Grey and blue are complementary, which is why we also recommend a navy blue T-shirt and dark blue jeans for this ensemble. Dark-blue jeans look sleek day and night, and can be worn informally on weekends or as a business-casual work pant.

Yellow tones match blue and grey, which is why we recommend the Duke in honey suede. Suede in the summer just works. (Although, our suede never mattes, no matter how wet out it is!) 

Blues, Baby

Blue clothes and summer just makes sense together. We’re all slowly remembering that the ocean exists, and we admire the sky like never before as the sun finally shines again.

Make this look your office go-to. If you’re preppy, consider this a sophisticated take on your usual garb. If you’re a hipper-than-average dresser, and need an outfit for conservative, office-appropriate scenarios, you’ve been saved. You’ll look approachable and festive, while staying stylish. If it’s too hot for a sweater (which it normally will be), throw it in your bag and pull it out when the A.C. has been cranked a little too high.

Nothing without Nature

It’s important to seem down to earth in the office. This is a fairly vague term, but it has something to do with being humble and self-aware, which is the message this outfit conveys. It’s inspired by hippie garb, but it’s also sophisticated.

The brown Dukes and blue jeans are held together by the shirt’s tonal green color. The sand-colored watch is the perfect accessory for this look, also tonal but eye-catching. You’ll personify “appeasing.”

Be a peacock this summer. In other words, wear bright colors with contrast. Within months, outfits will have drifted back to a place of monochromatic banality and you’ll have to wait a year to rock this palette again. Take full advantage of the blooming flora by allowing it to become your guiding motif.